
Disparities among Older Persons in China

No. of pages : 39
Publication date : 01/11/2016
Author : Du Peng

China’s population is experiencing a rapid transition towards a greater proportion and number of older persons. China shows a relatively good comparative position in terms of the wellbeing of older persons, on the basis of the latest 2015 Global AgeWatch Index. However, this study shows that despite unprecedented economic progress, major disparities persist between urban and rural areas, between the wealthier Eastern coast and the poorer Western and Central regions, and between men and women.

The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing

No. of pages : 44
Publisher : UNFPA EECARO
Publication date : 20/10/2017

This report represents UNFPA’s contribution to a global stocktaking exercise to mark the 15th anniversary of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) which was adopted at the Second World Assembly on Ageing in April 2002. This report is one of six that are are being prepared by UNFPA and which complement the regional review reports prepared by respective UN Regional Commissions. It contributes to the cooperation programme on ageing that exists between the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the UNFPA Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECARO).

Demography matters: How population dynamics impacts the economy of the Republic of Moldova?

No. of pages : 54
Publication date : 29/09/2017
Author : Mr. Adrian Lupușor, Ms. Ana Popa, Mr. Valeriu Prohnițchi

The National Transfer Accounts (NTA) system is a relatively recent development conceived to improve the understanding of the age dimensions of the modern economies.The Purpose of the Report is to present and discuss the most important results from the exercise of build-ing the first Moldovan NTA estimations. It offers a general overview of the most salient features of the Moldovan inter-generational economy.

Country Programme Document - Sri Lanka (2018-2022)

No. of pages : 7
Publication date : 13/10/2017
Author : UNFPA

The Country Programme Document outlines the United Nations Population Fund's mandate and scope of work for the five year period from 2018-2022. 

The document has been cleared by the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs. 

Clip of Regional Forum on Policy Implication of Population Ageing (Tabriz 3-5 July 2017)

Regional Forum on Policy Implication of Population Ageing (Tabriz 3-5 July 2017)

Older people have always played a significant role in society, as leaders, caretakers and custodians of tradition. Yet they are also highly vulnerable, with many falling into poverty, becoming disabled or facing discrimination.

As health care improves, the population of older people is growing. Their needs are also growing, as are their contributions to the world. UNFPA is supporting research into the phenomenon of global ageing, and is promoting the adoption of policies that support older people and meet their needs.

A new narrative about the role of older persons is in the making—one that acknowledges their potential to contribute to societies and economies.

The theme of the International Day of Older Persons 2017 is “Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents, Contributions and Participation of Older Persons in Society.”

This year’s day is about enabling and expanding the contributions of older people in their families, communities and societies at large. It focuses on the pathways that support full and effective participation in old age, in accordance with old persons’ basic rights, needs and preferences.

Thematic report on the Older Population

No. of pages : 176
Publication date : 26/09/2017
Author : Department of Population

The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census

As part of the workshop held with our Change Agents in Kalwa (Thane, Maharashtra), SNEHA team working with adolescent girls supported by UNFPA India conducted a safety audit exercise with 36 participants on 16th September, 2017. 

An energizer exercise was conducted with the girls, who were asked to enact scenes from within the community, with alcohol shops, tea stalls, toilets, cigarette shops. They were then asked to talk about how and why they felt unsafe in these kinds of spaces.