
Population Monograph of Nepal 2014 Volume I: Demographic Analysis

No. of pages : 362
Publication date : 01/01/2014
Author : CBS & UNFPA

The Population Monograph of Nepal 2014, an analytical report of the census 2011 presented in three volumes contains in-depth analysis of different topics related to the population of the country prepared by the eminent professionals dealing with such issues in their professional work. The first volume contains 12 chapters related to the population dynamics of Nepal, such as size and structure of the population, nuptiality, fertility, mortality, migration and population projections.

Who We Are

The United Nations Population Fund — UNFPA — is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency in Nepal. Globally it has a mission to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.


Fact Sheet on Internal Migration in Viet Nam: Evidence from the 2009 Census

No. of pages : 3
Publication date : 01/01/2011
Author : UNFPA

This factsheet presents key highlights of the current situation, trends and characteristics of internal migration in Viet Nam, based on the most recent Population and Housing Census (2009). It also summarizes policy implications and includes recommendations for appropriate internal migration related policies in Viet Nam.

Internal Migration and Socio-economic development in Viet Nam – A Call to Action

No. of pages : 14
Publication date : 01/01/2010
Author : UNFPA

This advocacy brief highlights five main ways in which internal migration affects and is affected by socio-economic development. As such, these are issues that deserve attention from policymakers and development partners in Viet Nam. To enhance the potential of internal migration to contribute to equitable social and economic development, this paper provides a set of specific policy recommendations.

Migration and Urbanisation in Viet Nam: Patterns, trends and differentials

No. of pages : 140
Publication date : 01/01/2011
Author : General Statistic Office

The monograph “Migration and Urbanization in Vietnam: Patterns, Trends and Differentials” was developed using the data of the 15% sample survey which was included in the 2009 Census in order to provide readers with the most up-do-date information about Vietnam’s migration and urbanization situation

The Quality of Life of Migrants in Viet Nam

No. of pages : 160
Publisher : UNFPA
Publication date : 01/01/2006
Author : UNFPA

Based on the results of Viet Nam Migration Survey 2004 conducted by the General Statistics Office, the study is a further step in the on-going analyses of the relationships between employment and labor market participation, housing and other living conditions. It aims to assess how the quality of life of migrants is impacted by factors including with migration type, migration registration status and length of time spent at the destination. It was published in December 2006 both in English and Vietnamese.

Internal Migration and Related Life Course Events

No. of pages : 112
Publisher : UNFPA
Publication date : 01/01/2006
Author : UNFPA

The study based on the results of Viet Nam Migration Survey 2004 conducted by the General Statistics Office. It is a further step in the on-going analyses of the relationship between migration and other important events in the life cycle of migrants. It was published in December 2006 both in English and Vietnamese.



Migration and Health

No. of pages : 180
Publisher : UNFPA
Publication date : 01/01/2006
Author : UNFPA

The study based on the results of Viet Nam Migration Survey 2004 conducted by the General Statistics Office. It is a further step in the on-going analyses of the relationships between migration and health. It was published in December 2006 both in English and Vietnamese.



Internal Migration in Viet Nam - The Current Situation

No. of pages : 31
Publisher : UNFPA
Publication date : 01/01/2007
Author : UNFPA

Based on of the results of the 2004 Viet Nam Migration Survey conducted by General Statistics Office, this booklet summarizes the major findings of the survey as well as information from other reliable sources, so that non-demographers can have a better understanding of the situation of internal migration in Viet Nam. It was published in June 2007 in both English and Vietnamese.



Ha Noi, 23 September 2013 - Mr. Arthur Erken, UNFPA Representative in Viet Nam shared his opinions with the Family and Society newspaper's reporter on the new population law: "I am confident that the new Population Law of Viet Nam will be a well-informed law that will respond to the opportunities and challenges of population dynamics, as well as the aspirations and desires of the Vietnamese people as it moves towards a bright and prosperous future!"