
Country Representative

Dr. Olugbemiga Adelakin, a Nigerian National, is a medical doctor with more than 20 years experience in development and humanitarian settings. Before assuming duties as the UNFPA Representative in Rwanda, he was the UNFPA Representative for the DPR Korea. Prior to this, Dr. Adelakin had worked for UNFPA in Africa, and in the Middle East, where he was the Regional Program Advisor, Monitoring and Evaluation overseeing this function in more than 15 country offices in the region.


Country Representative

Mr. Anders Thomsen has more than 25 years of experience in  Development and Humanitarian Assistance, with a  commitment to promoting Human Rights, Reproductive Health, and Poverty Reduction. He is the UNFPA Representative to  Kenya from April 2022. Prior to his appointment to Kenya, he served for three years as UNFPA Representative to Somalia and five years as the UNFPA Representative to Palestine. He focused on addressing humanitarian and development challenges related to population dynamics, youth,  reproductive health, and combatting gender-based violence.  Preceding that, Mr.


Country Representative

Mr. Kouame is an accomplished development professional with 30 years of experience in Leadership and Management and Advocacy on Population and Reproductive Health-related issues.

Before his appointment as the UNFPA Country Representative for Ethiopia, Mr. Koffi Kouame was the UNFPA Representative in Madagascar and Country Director for Comoros, Mauritius, and Seychelles. He also held the position of UNFPA Representative in Afghanistan and Papua New Guinea.


Country Representative

Dr Derveeuw Marc G.L joined UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund in his country of birth, Belgium in the year 2000.

He has expansive experience heading health programs in different international agencies, governmental, non-governmental and academic institutions. Specifically, he has held management and advisory positions in the areas of Reproductive Health, Health Systems Management, Maternal Mortality reduction and Family Planning.


Annual Report 2016 - UNFPA West & Central Africa Regional Office

No. of pages : 104
Publisher : UNFPA WCARO
Publication date : 02/01/2017

The message is clear. 
We must put young people first if we are to harness the demographic dividend, build resilience and transform our region to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the Africa We Want.
Having helped secure political will in 2016, UNFPA in WCAR intends to secure resources, advance partnerships and fully promote, support and implement interventions that put young people first in 2017 and the years ahead. 

Research and piloting to promote healthy urbanization in China through the provision of essential social services : A Brief Introduction on Project and Piloting Initiatives

No. of pages : 10
Publication date : 01/01/2011
Author : Department of Social Development of National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC), UNFPA China

China is experiencing an accelerated urbanization process. By the end of 2010, the urbanization rate in China had reached 49.7%, an increase by 13.5 percentage points compared to that in 2000 and a faster increase than the 9.9 percentage points for the period during 1990-2000. This represents a population of 660 million now living in the urban areas of China, an increase of over 200 million compared to that in 2000. Migrants, especially the rural migrant workers in urban areas, are the major source of newly-added urban population in China.