Obstetric fistula

CONNECT: UNFPA Uganda Annual Report 2016

No. of pages : 44
Publication date : 13/09/2017
Author : UNFPA Uganda

UNFPA Uganda has integrated family planning into various other social and economic initiatives that ensure the overall well-being of individuals and communities becomes a reality. During 2016, we integrated family planning into agricultural extension activities, as
well as livelihoods and youth empowerment programmes. In addition, and as a result of UNFPA’s support, nine major cultural institutions and seven faith denominations have drafted and endorsed their own family planning messages as it relates to harmful cultural practices.

UNFPA in the Maldives

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is the world's largest agency for population development, with programmes in over 140 countries. UNFPA is also the UN’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency, which empowers people, especially young women and girls, adolescents and the elderly – to manage their own lives and ensure right to bodily autonomy. It is a core mandate of UNFPA to ensure that all individuals make informed decisions in their life, to contribute meaningfully to society and to the progress of the population without leaving anyone behind.

4th August 2017, Bhubaneswar: Under the citizen connect programme of the Bhubaneswar Smart City plan, a workshop on “Youth Connect” was organised by the Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund. Youth connect is a component of the citizen’s connect initiative aimed at connecting youth in social development processes in the urban arena with a specific focus on promoting healthy lifestyle and creating an environment in campuses that is safe specifically for girls.

Accelerating Change By the Numbers

No. of pages : 78
Publisher : UNFPA/UNICEF Joint Programme on FGM/C
Publication date : 09/08/2017
Author : UNFPA/UNICEF Joint Programme on FGM/C

As the largest global programme addressing FGM/C, the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change plays a critcal role in achieving Target 5.3 which calls for elimination of all harmful practices by 2030 under the Sustainable Development Goal 5. This report highlights three important targets and other significant achievements in the phase II of the Joint Programme that completed the third year in 2016. 

Diego Palacios discusses Indian Population on Aaj Savere, DD National on World Population Day (2/2)

"India has a possibility of Win-Win situation, in terms of their demographic trends and dynamics into the future" - Diego Palacios, country representative, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) speaks about migration & India's population trends on Delhi Doordarshan Channel's programme Aaj Savere.

UNITED NATIONS, New York, 21 July 2017—UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is appealing for $308 million to deliver life-saving work in 2017 to support about 38 million people, including more than 5.6 million pregnant women across 56 countries in conflict or natural disasters.

Freedom from fistula

Obstetric fistula, a serious childbirth injury, affects millions of women in the developing world. UNFPA help set up Bangladesh's National Fistula Center so women can receive repair surgery and surgeons can be trained in fistula repair.

UNFPA Mongolia 2016 Annual Report

No. of pages : 30
Publication date : 08/06/2017
Author : UNFPA Mongolia

UNFPA Mongolia 2016 Annual Report

अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुलाबारे जानकारी

No. of pages : 2
Publication date : 06/06/2017
Author : UNFPA Nepal

योनीबाट निरन्तर रुपमा पिसाब वा दिसा वा दुबै चुहिने समस्यालाई अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुला भनिन्छ । लामो र कठिन प्रसव व्यथाको अवस्थामा, दक्ष प्रसुतीकर्मीबाट सही समयमा उपयुक्त सेवा नपाउनाले अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुला हुन जान्छ । नेपालमा अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुला अदृश्य अवस्थामा रहेको एउटा प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्य समस्या हो ।  यस प्रकाशनले अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुलाबारे जानकारी दिन्छ ।