Child marriage

Country Representative

Wilfred joins UNFPA Ghana Country Office with over 20 years of work experience, 17 of which has been gained in the international setting. Wilfred has worked in peace, development, humanitarian and recovery contexts and with Government, NGOs and the UN system.


EU Roadmap on Forced/Early Marriage (FEM)

Publisher : This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne Programme of the European Union for the project JUST/2014/RDAP/AG/HARM/. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of project coordinator, University of Vechta
Publication date : 01/11/2016
Author : Mathilde Sengoelge, Nigina Abaszade, Isabelle Brantl, Mwenya Chimba, Serin Sempere Culler, Nurgul Kinderbaeva, Marc Nectoux, Angelina Rodriques, Duarte Vilar, Yvette Völschow

The purpose of the EU FEM Roadmap is to provide frontline professionals with a guidance document to assist in the protection and support of (potential) victims of  Forced and early marriage (FEM). FEM, contracted without the free and valid consent of one or both partners or before the age of 18, is internationally acknowledged as a violation of human rights and as a form of gender-based violence.

Child marriage in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Regional overview

Publication date : 01/01/2013
Author : UNFPA

This report provides a brief overview of child marriage in the following countries and territories: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), the Kyrgyz Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. It accompanies a set of fact sheets and executive summaries that provide more detailed information on the issue in each country.

Country Representative

Dr. Olugbemiga Adelakin, a Nigerian National, is a medical doctor with more than 20 years experience in development and humanitarian settings. Before assuming duties as the UNFPA Representative in Rwanda, he was the UNFPA Representative for the DPR Korea. Prior to this, Dr. Adelakin had worked for UNFPA in Africa, and in the Middle East, where he was the Regional Program Advisor, Monitoring and Evaluation overseeing this function in more than 15 country offices in the region.


Country Representative

Mr. Anders Thomsen has more than 25 years of experience in  Development and Humanitarian Assistance, with a  commitment to promoting Human Rights, Reproductive Health, and Poverty Reduction. He is the UNFPA Representative to  Kenya from April 2022. Prior to his appointment to Kenya, he served for three years as UNFPA Representative to Somalia and five years as the UNFPA Representative to Palestine. He focused on addressing humanitarian and development challenges related to population dynamics, youth,  reproductive health, and combatting gender-based violence.  Preceding that, Mr.


Country Representative

Mr. Kouame is an accomplished development professional with 30 years of experience in Leadership and Management and Advocacy on Population and Reproductive Health-related issues.

Before his appointment as the UNFPA Country Representative for Ethiopia, Mr. Koffi Kouame was the UNFPA Representative in Madagascar and Country Director for Comoros, Mauritius, and Seychelles. He also held the position of UNFPA Representative in Afghanistan and Papua New Guinea.


Country Representative

Dr Derveeuw Marc G.L joined UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund in his country of birth, Belgium in the year 2000.

He has expansive experience heading health programs in different international agencies, governmental, non-governmental and academic institutions. Specifically, he has held management and advisory positions in the areas of Reproductive Health, Health Systems Management, Maternal Mortality reduction and Family Planning.
