Child marriage

"I realized that there are strong women out there to support us, when we have problems we have to raise our voices and ask for help. We should not stay silent. We do not have to stay silent anymore, someone will help us. To have learned that there is always someone to help us made me very happy" said Zahra, a university student from Kabul attending a public presentation of the cartoon story ‘Teacher Malalai Adventures: Mina's Early Marriage'.

Annual Report 2015 - UNFPA West & Central Africa Regional Office

No. of pages : 72
Publication date : 18/02/2016

This annual report captures the actions and results of the UNFPA West and Central Africa Regional Office and the 23 Country Offices in the region. It clarifies how we work together to ensure every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. Our mission is to build the foundations for change by enabling girls and mothers to make choices. We want them to be able to choose when to marry, choose when to give birth and choose how many children they want.

Kabul, 30-31 December 2014 - Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs and Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disables with the Technical Support of UNFPA and logistical support of Hewad organization hosts a Two Day Consultative Workshop on Prevention of Early and Child Marriage in Afghanistan. The workshop takes place at the Pamir Hall of the Intercontinental Hotel.


"The adverse effects of child marriage on girls are inevitable. Early and child marriage robs a girl her childhood and denies her right to education and having a healthy live", said Mohammad Younus Payab, UNFPA Assistant Representative at the kickoff of the two day consultative workshop on prevention of early and child marriage at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul City.

Young people in Baitadi have called for their full and effective participation in decision-making in order to contribute to the future development agenda in this Far Western district of Nepal.

ओझेल पछिको उज्यालो

No. of pages : 36
Publication date : 11/10/2014
Author : UNFPA

This booklet in Nepali features stories of struggles and triumphs of women and adolescent girls from all walks of life. It was published by UNFPA Nepal on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child 2014 in recognition of the importance of investing in and empowering adolescent girls and of preventing and eliminating the various forms of harmful practices that adolescent girls suffer from, including gender-based violence and child marriage.

Engaging Men and Boys, Communities and Parents to End Violence against Women, Child Marriage and Other Harmful Practices in Nepal

No. of pages : 49
Publication date : 01/01/2014
Author : UNFPA

This document is prepared to develop a ‘targeted strategy which takes into account global best practices in the area of ending child marriages, including ending violence and harmful practices against women and girls through engaging communities and involving men and boys in this effort'. The proposed targeted strategy is part of the new Country Plan of Action (CPAP) of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, in Nepal which commenced in 2013 and will end in 2017.

Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse for Doctors: Reference and Learners' Guide

No. of pages : 146
Publication date : 01/09/2015
Author : NHTC, UNFPA & Jhpiego

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a significant reproductive morbidity among postmenopausal and women of reproductive age in Nepal. An estimated 600,000 women are suffering from varying degrees of POP (also called uterine prolapse or fallen womb). In the absence of a competency-based training package on POP, health service providers previously did not have standards for performing surgeries and were relying on anecdotal reports, compromising on the quality of care.