Child marriage

Child Marriage in Serbia (Overview)

No. of pages : 12
Publisher : UNFPA EECARO
Publication date : 01/01/2014

In Serbia, child marriages occur predominantly among the Roma population, where they are linked to patriarchal attitudes towards women’s role in society and the family, and to control over women’s sexuality.

This is one of 14 country overviews produced by UNFPA EECARO about child marriage in the region, including country-specific national and legal context, responses, data, and recommendations for the future.

Choose Your Future: Child Marriage in Nepal

Half of all girls in Nepal are married before the age of 18, an illegal but prevalent practice which denies them access to education and puts them at risk of complications in childbirth from having children too young. 

KABUL – Fifteen-year-old Freshta has escaped marriage to a man more than twice her age. But she has been cast out of her home and worries that her little sister will be forced into the fate that awaited her.

"I am educated, that is why I could refuse my parents' decision. But my sister is only 13 years old, and they will marry her with that old man," said Freshta with tears in her eyes.

KATHMANDU, Nepal - Every three seconds another girl becomes a child bride. Every three seconds another childhood stands violated. Coerced or too young to even understand its implications, every three seconds bear the burden of another childhood abruptly cut short.

 Key Facts on Adolescents and Youth in Asia and the Pacific
Asia has the highest number of young people aged 10-24 (1.1 billion), which is over 60 per cent of the world’s population of young people.
Many young people in Asia are living on less than $1.25 per day. Over one third (36 per cent) live in urban areas  and this is growing rapidly with rural-to-urban migration.

Joint press release by UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, UN Women, the United Nations Foundation, World Vision, Girls Not Brides, Every Woman Every Child, World YWCA and The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.

NEW YORK, 7 March 2013 – Between 2011 and 2020, more than 140 million girls will become child brides, according to United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

If current levels of child marriages hold, 14.2 million girls annually or 39,000 daily will marry too young.

Stephanie Sinclair, the award-winning photographer behind the  'Too Young to Wed' exhibit, returns to India to meet a group of girls who had the courage to refuse early marriages.

RAJASTHAN, India  – Keshanta Gujar, 16, wants to be a teacher. Rajyanti Bairwa, 17, hopes to become a doctor.

Child Marriage in Serbia (Summary)

No. of pages : 4
Publisher : UNFPA EECARO
Publication date : 01/01/2014

In Serbia, child marriages occur predominantly among the Roma population, where they are linked to patriarchal attitudes towards women’s role in society and the family, and to control over women’s sexuality.

This is one of 14 country summaries produced by UNFPA EECARO about child marriage in the region, including country-specific national and legal context, responses, and recommendations for the future.

Child Marriage in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Summary)

No. of pages : 4
Publisher : UNFPA EECARO
Publication date : 01/01/2014

In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, child marriages occur in all sections of society; however, the highest prevalence is found in Roma communities. Among Roma, child marriage is linked to poverty, school dropout, and patriarchal values that associate female virginity with family ‘honour’.

This is one of 14 country summaries produced by UNFPA EECARO about child marriage in the region, including country-specific national and legal context, responses, and recommendations for the future.

Child Marriage in Kyrgyzstan (Summary)

No. of pages : 4
Publisher : UNFPA EECARO
Publication date : 01/01/2014

In the Kyrgyz Republic, child marriages occur in all regions of the country and among all ethnic groups. Poverty is in some cases a factor, but cultural attitudes towards gender roles and sexuality are more significant.

This is one of 14 country summaries produced by UNFPA EECARO about child marriage in the region, including country-specific national and legal context, responses, and recommendations for the future.