Child marriage

Ending Child Marriage in Nepal

No. of pages : 8
Publication date : 07/09/2017

Nepal has one of the highest rates of child marriage in Asia – for both girls and boys. Although the legal age of unions for both sexes is 20, more than a third of young women aged 20-24 report that they were married by the age of 18, and just over one in ten by 15. Nepali boys are among the most likely in the world to be child grooms. More than one in ten is married before they reach 18. UNFPA and UNICEF are working together to help end child marriage in Nepal. This publication is a communication material related to the joint programme.

Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran

No. of pages : 192
Publication date : 30/09/2014

The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. It aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).

Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran

No. of pages : 181
Publication date : 30/09/2014

The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. It aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution adopting 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child, recognizing girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.

Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran

No. of pages : 285
Publication date : 30/09/2014

The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. The package aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).

Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran

No. of pages : 231
Publication date : 30/09/2014

The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. The package aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).

UNFPA in the Maldives

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is the world's largest agency for population development, with programmes in over 140 countries. UNFPA is also the UN’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency, which empowers people, especially young women and girls, adolescents and the elderly – to manage their own lives and ensure right to bodily autonomy. It is a core mandate of UNFPA to ensure that all individuals make informed decisions in their life, to contribute meaningfully to society and to the progress of the population without leaving anyone behind.


CTY Child marriage: Not a good look


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It is part of UNFPA’s annual #IDONT campaign, which calls for ending child marriage. Five school-aged girls in New York volunteered to act as a canvas for Ms. Jarallah. Photo illustration by Whitney Kidder


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She used deliberately excessive makeup to create dissonance between the girls’ youth and the traditional trappings of a wedding. Photo illustration by Whitney Kidder


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Every year, millions of girls become child brides. Photo illustration by Whitney Kidder


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