Child marriage

Madhya Pradesh, 5th May 2017:  The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and SBI Foundation, today launched Samridhhi in Chattarpur District of Madhya Pradesh. As part of UNFPA’s 12-nation Action for Adolescent Girl initiative, the first phase of the project will benefit over 3500 adolescent girls across approximately 150 villages in Bijawar and Badamalhara blocks. In the subsequent phase, Samridhhi will be scaled up to cover several other blocks and districts in the state.  

Sri Lanka, with a free health care system has much to boast in the provision of reproductive health services. The country’s health indicators are often envied among its South Asian counterparts.

This is a result of investing heavily in maternal health since the beginning of the last century, which has reaped positive dividends in lowering the maternal mortality, to the lowest in South Asia — an impressive 33 per 100,000 live births.

The skill set of midwives play a crucial role here. Midwives save lives and support healthy families and communities.

18 April 2017 – Afghan Ministries of Information and Culture (MoIC) and Women’s Affairs (MoWA) with the support from the Embassy of Canada and UNFPA (the United Nations Population Fund) launched the “National Action Plan to Eliminate Early and Child Marriage” at the Government Media and Information Center today.

UNFPA Afghanistan Newsletter - Issue II

No. of pages : 4
Publisher : UNFPA
Publication date : 09/04/2017
Author : UNFPA

“I examined the mother, only to find out that she had carried her dead fetus for weeks”, said Alia Ayar, a UNFPA midwife providing obstetric emergency care in times of humanitarian crises across Afghanistan. “She suffered severe pains and fever and couldn’t do the chores around the house, until the family (finally) decided to allow her to see a health service provider.” Read more about this and other UNFPA stories in our newsletter. 

Sadly, despite some progress, the world still has a long way to go to achieve full gender equality.

Take, for instance, the fact that every year tens of thousands of girls are forced into child marriage —nearly one third of these before the age of 15. Or that one woman in three experiences gender-based violence in her lifetime. Some 200 million women and girls have endured female genital mutilation. And there are 225 million women who want modern family planning but are not getting it, and therefore are unable to choose whether or when to have children.

Saathiya Launch : Keynote address by C.K. Mishra

"With so much expansion of media, tv, social media and overall technology, there are still many unanswered questions in the minds of young boys and girls. This is an ambitious project, aimed at behavioral change and overall thinking through these voluntary peer educators called Saathiya" - Sh CK Mishra, while addressing the gathering during the launch of Saathiya Resource Kit and Saathiya Salaah - the mobile app

Diego Palacios, UNFPA addresses the gathering + launch of resource Kit by Sh C.K.Mishra

Diego Palacios, country representative UNFPA India addresses the gathering at the launch of Saathiya Resource Kit and mobile application.

Saathiya Launch : Welcome address by Ms Vandana Gurnani

Union Health Secretary C K Mishra launched the ‘Saathiya’ resource kit, including ‘Saathiya Salah’ mobile application, for adolescents as part of the Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK). He said that one of the best ways to reach out to the adolescents was to reach out to the community and therefore a system was designed which was called peer educators.

Too Young to Wed : Rajasthan

Keshanta, 16, wants to be a teacher. Rajyanti, 17, hopes to become a doctor. Laali, 15, isn't sure just yet what she wants to be when she grows up. But she, like her classmates in a rural part of Jaipur in the Indian state of Rajasthan, is certain she doesn't want to be a child bride. "My life would be ruined," said Rajyanti, who at 16 resisted her parents' efforts to marry her off.