Child marriage


KIGALI, Rwanda, 3 July 2014—At a meeting here of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Advocates, key supporters of the health-related MDGs  presented an Acceleration Roadmap to save an additional 140,000 women’s and 250,000 newborns’ lives and provide universal access to modern contraceptives. Achieving these is essential to reaching the development goals on maternal and child health by the end of 2015.



Yanti runs a small food shop in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She's a survivor of domestic violence in a country where women are increasingly reporting cases. Photo by Sonia Narang. 


Today on the International Day of the Girl Child, I join every person around the world who believes that adolescent girls should live free of violence and discrimination. 

We are guided by the international human rights to which every human being is rightfully entitled. 

Every girl, no matter where she is born, should have a chance to reach her potential. 

Every girl deserves to be welcomed to this world with the same joy and celebration as a boy. Every girl has the right to life and dignity. 

Guiyang, July 19---- “Let’s get a room and have sex.” “If you love me, please respect me.” A young “couple” boldly performed a role-play of such a situation in front of 50 young people from across China. Through the role-play those involved hoped to discuss with their peers and learn how to make informed decisions in a relationship.

state of world population 2013

No. of pages : 2
Publication date : 01/01/2013
Author : UNFPA

Girls under 15 account for 2 million of the annual total
of 7.3 million new adolescent mothers; if current trends
continue, the number of births to girls under 15 could
rise to 3 million a year in 2030.

the State of World Population 2013

No. of pages : 132
Publication date : 01/01/2013
Author : UNFPA

When a girl becomes pregnant, her present and future change radically,
and rarely for the better. Her education may end, her job prospects evaporate, and her vulnerabilities to poverty, exclusion and dependency multiply. 


state of world population 2014

No. of pages : 4
Publication date : 18/11/2014
Author : UNFPA

Young people matter. They matter because an unprecedented
1.8 billion youth are alive today, and because
they are the shapers and leaders of our global future.
They matter because they have inherent human rights
that must be fulfilled.

state of world population 2014

No. of pages : 136
Publication date : 01/01/2014
Author : UNFPA

In many countries today, there is a discrepancy
between rhetoric about the need to invest in youth
and young people’s participation in policymaking,
planning and implementation. With the momentum
that is created by the ongoing discussions on
young people, there also emerges a great opportunity
for their further integration in development
processes. This requires dedication, will and
commitment on both sides.

Facts and Figures on Children using Census data (2013)

No. of pages : 18
Publication date : 01/01/2013
Author : UNFPA

Facts and Figures on Children using Census data (2013)