Comprehensive sexuality education

HA NOI, 10 July 2013 – With 16 million girls aged 15-19 giving birth each year worldwide, complications from pregnancy and child birth continue to be the leading cause of death among adolescent girls in low and middle-income countries.

UNESCO, UNFPA, and UN Women have launched a joint project in Nepal for the empowerment of adolescent girls and young women through education.

The 42nd G7 Summit in Ise-Shima, Japan in 2016 will be the first G7 Summit to be held since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

UNFPA Operational Guidance for Comprehensive Sexuality Education

No. of pages : 72
Publication date : 14/04/2014
Author : UNFPA

The right of access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is grounded in fundamental human rights and is a means to empower young people to protect their health, well-being and dignity. This Operational Guidance sets out UNFPA's framework for CSE, which is one of five prongs to UNFPA‘s Adolescent and Youth Strategy. This document guides UNFPA's support to governments and other partners as CSE programmes, both in and out of school, are designed, implemented and evaluated.

UNFPA has developed three e-courses in Procurement and Supply Chain related subjects. The courses are offered to UNFPA personnel, as well as to its partners in Governments, NGOs and institutions at no cost. Courses are accessible at any time and provide training that is flexible to learner's availability. Since the system accommodates a function of resuming from the point of last entry, the courses do not have to be completed in one go.


Active in Sudan Since 1973, UNFPA program aims to improve women health and quality of life through availability and quality of reproductive health services.
UNFPA supports efforts to increase access to voluntary family planning, emergency obstetric care and elimination of gender-based violence and harmful practices.



UNFPA in Sudan

Publication date : 20/01/2016

Sudan’s health sector is severely underfunded. One quarter of the population has no access to health facilities and only 19 % of primary health care facilities provide the minimum health care package. While 66 % of the functioning rural hospitals can provide basic emergency obstetric and neonatal care, less than half of them provide comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care services needed to save mothers’ lives. 

As a part of the “Campaign Against Sexual Harassment: Making Our Streets Safe for Everyone” endorsed by UNFPA and its partner the Egyptian Center for women’s Rights (ECWR) and in commemoration of the 16 days of activism to combat violence against women, training workshops on sexual harassment were organized for school teachers.