Comprehensive sexuality education

The United Nations has set Investing in Young People as the theme of the World Population Day in 2014. The commemorations around the world are sending out a clear and strong message: young people must be at the center stage of the post-2015 global development agenda and investing in young people matters for now and for the future. 

March 16, Beijing---Following the successful initiation of the UNFPA MOOC Scholarship on the World Population Day 2014, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) China Office launched the second round together with its partner

There are over 600 million girls in the world today, more than 500 million of them in developing countries. They are shaping humanity’s present and future. The opportunities and choices girls have during adolescence will enable them to begin adulthood as empowered, active citizens.

With the right skills and opportunities, they can invest in themselves, in their families and their communities.  However, pregnancy jeopardizes the rights, health, education and potential of far too many adolescent girls, robbing them of a better future.

Beijing, 8 December 2013--- Initiated by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) China Office and, the Awards Ceremony of Acting for Youth Short Movie Competition was held in China National Film Museum in Beijing. Mr. Arie Hoekman, the Representative of UNFPA in China; Ms. Jiang Fangzhou, a well-known young writer and opinion leader who is Acting for Youth Advocate; and Ms. Hong Ping, Deputy Secretary General of China Family Planning Association, representatives of the panel of judges, participating university students and special invitees were present at this event.

SHENZHEN, July 10, 2012—In order to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights and youth participation, with the support from UNFPA China (United Nations Population Fund China Office), China Family Planning Association (CFPA) organized an event "Voices of Youth, Initiative of Cooperation" to commemorate the World Population Day 2012. The event also marks the beginning of the first week-long national youth peer educators training camp.

UNFPA Nepal Brochure

No. of pages : 16
Publication date : 17/12/2016
Author : UNFPA Nepal

Established in 1971 in Nepal, UNFPA has been working with the Government of Nepal, development partners, parliamentarians, civil society, young people and other stakeholders to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, ensure that no woman dies giving life and enable marginalized, poor and hard-to-reach people to live in dignity and enjoy their human rights.

Fact Sheet: Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Nepal

No. of pages : 2
Publication date : 23/12/2016
Author : UNFPA Nepal

This fact sheet was prepared by UNFPA Nepal for the purpose of informing parliamentarians, policymakers, political parties, civil society leaders, development partners, women, young people and the general public.

Innovative practices for care of elderly women in India- Stree Shakti

No. of pages : 92
Publisher : Stree Shakti-The Parallel Force
Publication date : 20/11/2016
Author : Stree Shakti-The Parallel Force

This study has been supported by the United Nations Population Fund, India and conducted by Stree Shakti-The Parallel Force. The findings expressed in the publication are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Stree Shakti-The Parallel Force, United Nations and UNFPA.

Tragedies have been dominating the headlines. War and persecution achieved a terrible new milestone this year effective women and children around the world. Millions of girls are still trapped in a cycle of extreme poverty, child marriage and adolescent pregnancy – misfortunes that have a ripple effect across generations.

It is easy to feel helpless. But change is possible.

It is past time to get serious about HIV prevention. We cannot hope to end the AIDS epidemic when every day almost 6,000 people are infected with HIV. Progress on prevention has stagnated. Since 2010, the annual number of new infections among adults has remained unchanged. Antiretroviral treatment has reached more than 18 million people in 2016 and has saved millions of lives and reduced the risk of new infections. But treatment alone cannot stop the spread of HIV.