Comprehensive sexuality education

This is 2016 and yet one in three women worldwide still experiences or has experienced some form of physical or sexual violence, usually perpetrated by someone she knows. Moreover, millions of women and girls have been subjected to other forms of violence and harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation, which affect an estimated 200 million women and girls, or child marriage, with one in three girls in developing countries being married off before the age of 18.

Youth Policy Programme: Pre- brief

No. of pages : 7
Publication date : 16/11/2016
Author : UNFPA

UNFPA Sri Lanka has had a long standing relationship with the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka, during the war and the immediate aftermath including the resettlement period providing and ensuring reproductive health care services, distribution of maternity kits among pregnant women and hygiene/dignity kits amongst women and girls of reproductive age. It is with this background that UNFPA Sri Lanka is now engaging with the Eastern Provincial Council Ministry of Youth Affairs to develop a Provincial Youth Policy.

Batticaloa, 10 November 2016: The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Sri Lanka, through its Youth Policy Programme, works with all Provincial Councils in the country to bring together multi-stakeholders to formulate comprehensive Youth Policies at Provincial-level. Since the start of the Youth Policy Programme in December 2014, UNFPA has facilitated multi-stakeholder engagements with the Provincial Councils of the Southern Province, Sabaragamuwa Province, and the Northern Province.

Investing in 10 year-old girls. West and Central Africa launch of SWOP 2016

West and Central Africa / Conakry / Guinea - 20 October 2016: President Alpha Condé joined the UNFPA Regional Director Mabingue Ngom to undertake the regional high-level launch of the SWOP in the presence of over 50 young girls, 10 Ministers of Youth from across WCA, several Guinean Ministers, several youth leaders and journalists, the Secretary-General of the Mano River Union, the Resident Coordinator and several heads of mission from across the UN system and development partners.

Regional Demographic Profiles Compared: West and Central Africa’s Position

No. of pages : 52
Publisher : UNFPA WCARO
Publication date : 17/11/2016

This working document, drawn up on the basis of the World Bank report, focuses on Africa and more specifically West and Central Africa, and gives an overview of the efforts required in this part of the world with regard to a ‘catching-up’ strategy to stop it lagging further, the key development stakes and challenges it faces. It also underlines Africa’s comparative advantage compared to other regions of the world in terms of its large demographic potential.

UNFPA in Congo: Visit from the Regional Director

No. of pages : 30
Publisher : UNFPA Congo
Publication date : 28/10/2016
Author : UNFPA Congo

This newsletter presents the highlights of the visit of the Director of UNFPA's West and Central Africa Regional Office to the Republic of Congo. During his visit to the Congo, Mr. Mabingue Ngom, had the opportunity, through field visits and meetings with partners, to see for himself the reality on the ground. Congo might be an orange country, but looking back at his visit, the Regional Director confessed that UNFPA Congo’s challenges are the same, if not worse, than those faced by red LIC’s.

The Census 2011 figures indicate that Rajasthan ranks third among all states in India with respect to prevalence of child marriage. Approximately 7.2 lakh girls in Rajasthan were married before age 18 years in the 0-4 years prior to Census 2011. While child marriage is prevalent in all the districts, the census figures show wide variations between the districts. 15 districts in the state have high prevalence of child marriage, when compared to the state average.

On October 20, 2016, the United Nations Population Fund launches its State of World Population Report globally, including via its 23 country and sub-regional offices across Asia-Pacific. This year's theme focuses on the crucial need to fulfil the potential of 10-year-old girls in this era of the Sustainable Development Goals if we are to realize the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda with its pledge to leave no one behind.

By Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin

Take a moment to imagine a 10-year-old girl right now. What do you see? Is she in school? Is she laughing with friends? Do you imagine her riding a bike or playing ball? On roller skates or en pointe in ballet class?  With her nose in a book or her eyes on a chess board?

Liberia Update September 2016

No. of pages : 12
Publication date : 17/10/2016
Author : UNFPA Liberia

In this issue of UNFPA Liberia's newsletter: UNFPA and Swedish Govt. Sign agreement to empower Young People, UNFPA and partners Observe World Population Day (11 July), Renewed Collaboration to end obstetric fistula in Liberia, MoH with support from UNFPA begins rollout of tool to monitor EmONC, Fistula Programme graduates 35 survivors from skills training center, MoH and partners adopt new family planning Strategy.