Engaging men and boys

UNFPA in Mongolia 

UNFPA Mongolia began supporting the Government of Mongolia in the late 1970s providing equipment and training to the Central Statistics Office to undertake the Population and Housing Censuses of 1979 and 1989. Support for maternal and child health began in the early 1990s and included capacity building of medical personnel and the provision of medical equipment and supplies including modern contraceptives.


Head of Office

Dr. Nargis Rakhimova graduated from the Tajik State Medical University in 1994. Her educational background includes a diploma in Pediatrics, a Master’s degree in Reproductive health and a PhD in Public Health. During almost 25 years of her professional experience in the social and international development sectors, she has worked on different projects for UNFPA, WHO, Asian Development Bank, the Ministry of Health. She has more than 10 years of experience with UNFPA.


In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, women spend 3 hours more per day on unpaid care work than men. Add paid work into the mix and many women are essentially pulling a “double shift” every day. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the load of unpaid care work shot up dramatically and it was mothers, and women in general, who took up the slack. 

Ensuring that men and women share responsibilities in the household equally requires real, sustainable change – from the attitudes and behaviors of individuals all the way to our policies and institutions.

To mark this International Day of Families 2022, we are pleased to announce the launch of #FamilyTeamWork, a joint campaign of COFACE Families Europe and Men Engage Eastern Europe & Central Asia, a UNFPA-led platform.

Officer in Charge (OIC)

Ms. Ayna Seyitliyeva joined UNFPA Iran in February 2024 in the capacity of International Programme Coordinator and will act as the Officer in Charge (OIC) until the arrival of the new Representative. In her last assignment, she worked for nearly five years as the Head of Office in UNFPA Turkmenistan carrying programme and management functions, working closely with the government and UNCT, as well as international development partners.


Country Representative

Bruce Campbell, has recently joined UNFPA as Representative a.i. for Timor Leste. Prior to this position, Bruce’s long public health career began in the humanitarian sector where he worked for the International Rescue Committee supporting Palestinian and Afghan refugees in Lebanon and Pakistan.


Head of Office

Ms. Mariam Bandzeladze has been appointed UNFPA Head of Office in Georgia in March 2024. She has worked for UNFPA Georgia for more than 12 years, leading its comprehensive portfolio of gender equality as well as the policy dialogue on human rights issues with the UN, government, and development partners since 2012. Before joining UNFPA, trained as an international lawyer, Mariam has worked on progressively increasing managerial positions in the private sector and the development field for more than 15 years.
