Engaging men and boys

Country Representative

Olga Atroshchanka was appointed UNFPA Assistant Representative for Belarus in April 2019. She joined the UN in 2007 as a member of the UNDP team implementing programmes targeting treatment and prevention of HIV and tuberculosis. In 2012, she became a UNDP Programme Officer for the Global Fund portfolio in Belarus. From 2014 her scope of work at UNDP expanded to include management of programmes on non-communicable diseases, gender equality, promotion of healthy lifestyles, social inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities as well as support to local development initiatives.


Country Representative

Wilfred joins UNFPA Ghana Country Office with over 20 years of work experience, 17 of which has been gained in the international setting. Wilfred has worked in peace, development, humanitarian and recovery contexts and with Government, NGOs and the UN system.


Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning: A Strategic Planning Guide

Publication date : 01/01/2019
Author : Family Planning High Impact Practices

This document is intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision-makers through a strategic process to identify effective investments for engaging men in efforts to improve sexual and reproductive health. In this guide, male engagement refers to the involvement of men and boys in family planning programs across life stages, including addressing gender norms and gender equality. 

White Ribbon UK's mission is to end male violence against women, once and for all. They work with men and boys to challenge male cultures that lead to harassment, abuse and violence. 

This year's White Ribbon UK Conference is about looking to the future. White Ribbon now has over 2000 people in their nationwide network of volunteers and more than 100 organisations who work with them in changing cultures within local communities, businesses, schools, colleges and universities - an increasing number of accredited organisations.

A Men’s Perspective on Gender Equality in Kosovo: Main Findings from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES)

Publication date : 01/01/2018
Author : OSCE Mission In Kosovo, UNFPA Kosovo

This study is primarily based on the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES). A mixed methodology approach was used, which included desk research, a quantitative survey with 1,001 men and 500 women, four focus group discussions and 26 in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and experts.

Research on Men and Gender Equality: IMAGES Serbia

Publication date : 01/06/2018
Author : Marina Hughson

The IMAGES Serbia study addresses key issues in the field of men and gender equality, which include partner relations, the dynamics of family relationships, and the key health and social aspects of men. This report provides key survey findings using the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) methodology which was developed by Promundo and International Center for Research on Women. The study has included quantitative and qualitative research components. The quantitative research was carried out on a nationally representative sample of 1060 men and 540 women 18-60 years old.

Masculinity Today: Men's Attitudes To Gender Stereotypes And Violence Against Women

Publication date : 01/06/2018
Author : UNFPA Ukraine

Gender inequality is one of the main human rights violations that manifests itself in the unequal opportunities of women and men in various domains of public life, including political representation and decision-making, economic opportunities and access to resources, empowerment in the family and vulnerability to discrimination and violence. The reasons for the unequal distribution of powers of women and men should be sought in the patriarchal norms that establish gender-based social roles and behaviour patterns accepted by the society.

Men and Gender Equality in the Republic of Moldova

Publication date : 01/01/2015
Author : Women's Law Center and Center for Investigation and Consultation "Sociopolis", based on IMAGES methodology

The goal of the research "Men and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova” was the identification and understanding of the behaviour and attitudes of men and women, and of the changes influencing their attitudes and behaviour, to serve for the development, directing and monitoring of policies in the gender equality domain.

Men and Gender Relations in Georgia

Publication date : 01/01/2014
Author : Institute of Social Studies and Analysis (ISSA), with the support of UNFPA Georgia Country Office

The goal of the survey “Men and Gender Relations in Georgia” is to gather data on men’s attitudes towards gender equality; and to describe their experience of and engagement in household activities and in such social practices, which involve residing together and sharing household responsibilities with a spouse or partner. The survey also gathered data from women in order to make a comparison of the opinions expressed by both genders.