
UNITED NATIONS, New York, 21 July 2017—UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is appealing for $308 million to deliver life-saving work in 2017 to support about 38 million people, including more than 5.6 million pregnant women across 56 countries in conflict or natural disasters.

UNFPA Mongolia 2016 Annual Report

No. of pages : 30
Publication date : 08/06/2017
Author : UNFPA Mongolia

UNFPA Mongolia 2016 Annual Report

SDES Migration Monograph

No. of pages : 58
Publisher : CSO/UNFPA
Publication date : 08/06/2017
Author : UNFPA

The Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey (SDES) is a historic initiative led by Afghanistan’s Central Statistics Organization (CSO), with technical support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and financial assistance of development partners. Over the past years, thousands of surveyors have fanned out across the country, going province by province to visit homes and collect detailed demographic data which will be used to create an unprecedented snapshot of the country’s demographic situation down to the village level.

UNFPA in Bangladesh

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is the United Nations' sexual and reproductive health agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA has been working in partnership with the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh since 1974, providing technical and advisory services and support. Our main partners are various Government Ministries, the Parliament, United Nations Agencies, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. 


TV talkshow on Sidewalk Economy in Viet Nam

Ms. Astrid Bant, UNFPA Representative in Viet Nam, was interviewed by the reporter from the Viet Nam National Assembly's TV about her opinions about sidewalk economy in Viet Nam. This interview was broadcast on the National Assembly's TV on 16/4/2017.

Ha Noi, 13 December 2016 - An opening reception of the photo voice exhibition "Where Can I Call Home" was held this morning in Ha Noi by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the General Statistics Office (GSO).

The photo voice exhibition showcases 13 sets of photos taken by Mr. Nguyen Minh Duc, telling inspiring stories about the lives of migrants and their families in nine cities and provinces of Viet Nam.

UNFPA Afghanistan Newsletter - Issue II

No. of pages : 4
Publisher : UNFPA
Publication date : 09/04/2017
Author : UNFPA

“I examined the mother, only to find out that she had carried her dead fetus for weeks”, said Alia Ayar, a UNFPA midwife providing obstetric emergency care in times of humanitarian crises across Afghanistan. “She suffered severe pains and fever and couldn’t do the chores around the house, until the family (finally) decided to allow her to see a health service provider.” Read more about this and other UNFPA stories in our newsletter. 

The 2015 National Internal Migration Survey: Major findings

No. of pages : 251
Publisher : Viet Nam news agency publishing house
Publication date : 30/12/2016
Author : UNFPA

The report includes eight chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Types of migration, characteristics and living onditions of households, Chapter 3: Characteristics of migrants and non-migrants, Chapter 4: Migration determinants, Chapter 5: Satisfaction and difficulties associated with migration, Chapter 6: Economic activities and living condition, Chapter 7: Health, Chapter 8: Conclusion and policy recommendations. It is expected that this publication will meet the demands for basic information on internal migration and serve the purposes of research and policy planning.


No. of pages : 16
Publication date : 01/01/2010
Author : UNFPA

Internationally, migration indicates geographical or spatial moves between two regions, which usually involves the change of permanent residence from a place of origin to a different destination. People involved in such moves are called migrants and migration might happen either within or across national borders. This brochure only deals with domestic migrants in China.

UNFPA China and its partners of the joint data project - National Statistics Bureau (NBS) and UNICEF - held an annual project meeting to review progress made in 2013, and to discuss plans for 2014. Ms. Soyoltuya Bayaraa, Deputy Representative of UNFPA China and Ms. Lisa Bow, Chief of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Section of UNICEF China, attended the meeting. Mr.