Caring for Equality

Caring for Equality

Publication date : 01/01/2015

A manual to work with men, women and youth in the promotion of gender equality and the prevention of prenatal sex selection by World Vision, Promundo and MenCare, 2015. 

To combat prenatal sex selection, World Vision’s work in Armenia focuses on examining and challenging harmful gender attitudes and practices that support son preference. In partnership with Promundo, World Vision has developed this curriculum to work with men, women, and youth to examine, question, and transform social norms.

Prenatal sex selection—choosing to continue or terminate a pregnancy based on the baby’s sex—is one of the most blatant forms of gender-based violence (GBV). Like other forms of GBV, prenatal sex selection is complex. It is rooted in patriarchy—where men receive unearned rights and privileges over women, cultural preference for sons, and harmful, strict ideas about the roles and responsibilities that men and women can fulfill in society.