EU Roadmap on Forced/Early Marriage (FEM)

EU Roadmap on Forced/Early Marriage (FEM)

Publisher : This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne Programme of the European Union for the project JUST/2014/RDAP/AG/HARM/. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of project coordinator, University of Vechta
Publication date : 01/11/2016
Author : Mathilde Sengoelge, Nigina Abaszade, Isabelle Brantl, Mwenya Chimba, Serin Sempere Culler, Nurgul Kinderbaeva, Marc Nectoux, Angelina Rodriques, Duarte Vilar, Yvette Völschow

The purpose of the EU FEM Roadmap is to provide frontline professionals with a guidance document to assist in the protection and support of (potential) victims of  Forced and early marriage (FEM). FEM, contracted without the free and valid consent of one or both partners or before the age of 18, is internationally acknowledged as a violation of human rights and as a form of gender-based violence.

The EU FEM Roadmap is the second project carried out by a technical-assistance partnership between UNFPA Eastern Europe & Central Asia and EU-based organizations, following on the IMPLEMENT project to improve health-system response to gender-based violence. The partnership allows for the cross-fertilization of experiences and good practices between countries in the European Union and the EECA region. 

Created by frontline professionals specialized in providing support to victims of FEM, the EU FEM Roadmap is intended to serve as a guidance document that complements existing national guidelines and standard operating procedures at the organizational level. The Roadmap includes a seven-step referral pathway for all frontline professionals, and then provides specific guidance for school/educational providers, child protection services, health professionals, criminal justice (police and justice) professionals and magistrates of civil marriage services.