Sports and the Making of Men: Transforming Gender Norms on the Playing Field

Sports and the Making of Men: Transforming Gender Norms on the Playing Field

Publication date : 01/01/2014
Author : MenEngage Alliance and UNFPA

This MenEngage-UNFPA advocacy brief explores ideas on how to transform sport - an important part of the lives of most boys and many men - to encourage gender equitable attitudes and behaviors, to end harmful forms of masculinity, and to transform masculinity in positive ways.

This brief has three parts: 

1. The History of Sport and the Making of Men, examines why and how sport has taken a central role in men’s conceptions of masculinity. 
2. How Sport Constructs Manhood and its Impact on Men and Boys, explores the potential positive and negative effects of sport, including its influence on violence, homophobia, and emotional and physical well-being. 
3. Recommendations for Policy and Sport Practices, provides advice to policymakers and program staff.