Child marriage

The teenage years are for some girls a time of exploration, learning and increasing autonomy. But for many others, it is a time of increasing vulnerability and exclusion from rights and opportunities, or just plain discrimination.

When a teenage girl has the power, the means and the information to make her own decisions in life, she is more likely to overcome obstacles that stand between her and a healthy, productive future. This will benefit her, her family and her community.

The international community has committed to a new sustainable development agenda built on the principles of equity and human rights.  A central objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to leave no one behind.

Despite significant gains made in reducing poverty and improving opportunity and well-being for many people around the world, hundreds of millions remain desperate for a chance of a better future,  Among those least served by previous development initiatives are girls, particularly those in their formative teenage years.

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, has been promoting adolescent girls’ empowerment and participation to advance their rights to health, education and employment in Nepal. In coordination with the government UNFPA has long supported adolescent girls’ circles, who receive training on life skills and support to end harmful practices in their communities.

In 1989, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme recommended that 11 July be observed by the international community as World Population Day, a day to focus attention on the urgency and importance of 

High-level Symposium on the Demographic Dividend and Africa's Development - E-Newsletter

No. of pages : 12
Publisher : UNFPA WCARO
Publication date : 24/06/2016

This e-newsletter presents the highlights of the High-level Symposium on Demographic Dividend and Africa’s Development.

Mapping of Child Marriage Initiatives in South Asia

No. of pages : 42
Publication date : 15/06/2016

This report lays out by country significant pieces of work that contribute to ending child marriageIt starts with an overview of major regional initiatives, and then it covers each of the eight SAARC countries, including Nepal, in turn.

Kabul 04 June 2016 – UNFPA, Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan organized a workshop to bring together the public and the private sectors and the international community to gather feedback on the draft of a National Action Plan to Eliminate Early and Child Marriage in Afghanistan.

Passage to change

No. of pages : 48
Publication date : 01/06/2016
Author : UNFPA

Before reaching out to adolescent girls, the project implementing partners set out to earn the trust of local gatekeepers. The task on hand was enormous. Parents were being expected to liberate their daughters from the four walls of their homes. Village seniors were being asked to allow young girls to roam freely. Adolescent girls were being motivated to question age-old norms. However, when efforts for social betterment are honest and persistent, positive change is bound to follow