Young people


Saba’s smile can brighten a whole room, or the caravan that she shares with her family in Zaatari camp for refugees in Jordan. The 16 year old dynamic Syrian young woman lives in the camp with her mother and four siblings. Her father is in Syria.


State of World Population 2017

No. of pages : 140
Publication date : 17/10/2017
Author : UNFPA

What do economic inequality and family planning have in common?

The surprising link between the two is explored in the State of World Population 2017, the flagship report of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund

#InvestInYouth Alimatou

#InvestInYouth Alimatou


Annual Report 2016 - UNFPA West & Central Africa Regional Office

No. of pages : 104
Publisher : UNFPA WCARO
Publication date : 02/01/2017

The message is clear. 
We must put young people first if we are to harness the demographic dividend, build resilience and transform our region to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the Africa We Want.
Having helped secure political will in 2016, UNFPA in WCAR intends to secure resources, advance partnerships and fully promote, support and implement interventions that put young people first in 2017 and the years ahead. 

The 11th World Congress on Adolescent Health, with the theme  "Investing in Adolescent Health - the Future is Now", will be held from 27-29 October, 2017, in New Delhi.

UNFPA, a key partner of the International Association of Adolescent Health, the organizer of the congress, will be participating prominently via several panels and sessions. 

Bjorn Andersson, UNFPA Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, will deliver the keynote address.

Youth in Palestine 2017

No. of pages : 31
Publisher : UNFPA Palestine
Publication date : 25/10/2017
Author : Nanki Chawla

Youth in Palestine is a report that describes the various challenges face youth in Palestine.  The author, Ms. Nanki Chawla, also sets a number of recommendations that decision makers and civil society organizations can take to ensure that, at least, some of those recommendations can be met to ensure a better life for youth.


What are the policy and program recommendations to address demographic risks and opportunities can be found in this report.

UNFPA regional situation report for Syria crisis, Issue # 61 September 2017

No. of pages : 7
Publication date : 24/10/2017
Author : UNFPA


 401,562 reproductive health services delivered to Syrians

 13,888 deliveries supported, including 5,993 C-section deliveries

92,380 family planning services

18,096 gender-based violence response services provided to Syrians

 24,739 women accessed women safe spaces


UNITED NATIONS, New York, 17 October 2017--Unless inequality is urgently tackled and the poorest women empowered to make their own decisions about their lives, countries could face unrest and threats to peace and development, according the The State of World Population 2017, published today by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.

The State of World Population 2017

No. of pages : 140
Publication date : 17/10/2017
Author : UNFPA

In today’s world, gaps in wealth have grown shockingly wide. Billions of people linger at the bottom, denied their human rights and prospects for a better life. At the top, resources and privileges accrue at explosive rates, pushing the world ever further from the vision of equality embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.