Young people

Increasing Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Young Persons with Disabilities in East and Southern Africa

No. of pages : 2
Publisher : UNFPA ESARO
Publication date : 18/10/2017

To develop an evidence-informed regional strategy to increase access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information and services for young people living with dis­abilities (YPWD) in ESA, three complementary pieces of research were conducted.

The State of World Population 2017

No. of pages : 136
Publication date : 17/10/2017
Author : United Nations Population Fund

The State of World Population 2017
Unchecked inequality, failure to protect the rights of poorest women could threaten unrest, undermine peace and world’s development goals, new UNFPA report warns
Only about half of the world’s women hold paid jobs
Globally, women earn 77 per cent of what men get
Three in five women worldwide lack maternity leave, many pay “motherhood penalty”

Adolescent girls from our project on Empowering adolescent girls with information and skills  being implemented by SNEHA

"Realizing aspirations of the adolescent girls through art and one to one interaction with Senior officials" was the core focus for the International Day of the Girl Child observed at Jaipur, Rajasthan by the Directorate of Women Empowerment , Department of Women and Child Development in partnership with UNFPA and UNICEF.

UNFPA Syria Monthly Update (September) 2017

No. of pages : 5
Publication date : 15/10/2017
Author : UNFPA-Syria

UNFPA Syria Monthly Update (September) 2017

Innovate for social and reproductive health

Watch the demo day of the second Ugandan accelerator cycle, at which four startups were launched, on 5 October 2017. The Innovation Accelerator was funded by DFID and supported by UNFPA. The video features profiles of all seven startups accelerated in Uganda across two accelerator cycles. These are seven social enterprises, all led by young professionals who took charge in solving sexual and reproductive challenges that affect their peers.

On October 2017, UNFPA will launch its annual flagship report, State of World Population (SWOP).

Once posted online, the report can be accessed at and

Each year, the SWOP theme focuses on key aspects of UNFPA's global mandate and vision of a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.

Follow UNFPA and its regional and country offices online, including social media platforms.

Country Programme Document - Sri Lanka (2018-2022)

No. of pages : 7
Publication date : 13/10/2017
Author : UNFPA

The Country Programme Document outlines the United Nations Population Fund's mandate and scope of work for the five year period from 2018-2022. 

The document has been cleared by the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs. 

        A Book entitled- Integrated Social Messages into Nation and Local Religious Festivals was dessiminated, coinciding with the Internationa Girl Child Day 2017 as joint collaborative initiative among UNFPA, Central Monastic Body, Royal Academy of Performing Arts-Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs and RENEW.

UNFPA GCC Quarterly Newsletter [July- September 2017]

No. of pages : 4
Publication date : 12/10/2017
Author : UNFPA GCC

Third Quarter of 2017 Newsletters