
Ending child marriage in Sierra Leone

Child marriage is a severe violation of human rights and a serious form of child abuse. Global statistics report that every year approximately 15 million girls are married before the age of 18. The region of West and Central Africa has the highest prevalence rate of child marriage in Africa, and the world’s second highest prevalence rate (after South Asia)[1]. In Sierra Leone the picture is equally daunting.

26th September 2017, Jawahar Kala Kendra, Rajasthan - Gender Based discrimination and Violence against women emanates from gender inequality and patriarchy prevalent in the society. Inspite of various legislations and schemes, the incidences of violence against women, gender based discrimination and deprivation of economic opportunity prevails at households and community level. Violence and various

Diego Palacios discusses Indian Population on Aaj Savere, DD National on World Population Day (2/2)

"India has a possibility of Win-Win situation, in terms of their demographic trends and dynamics into the future" - Diego Palacios, country representative, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) speaks about migration & India's population trends on Delhi Doordarshan Channel's programme Aaj Savere.

With profound sadness, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, announces that its Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, passed away suddenly at his home last night.  He was 68 years old.

UNITED NATIONS, New York, 4 April 2017—UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, regrets the decision by the United States to deny any future funding for its life-saving work the world over. This decision is based on the erroneous claim that UNFPA “supports, or participates in the management of, a programme of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization” in China. UNFPA refutes this claim, as all of its work promotes the human rights of individuals and couples to make their own decisions, free of coercion or discrimination.

UNFPA Nepal Brochure

No. of pages : 16
Publication date : 17/12/2016
Author : UNFPA Nepal

Established in 1971 in Nepal, UNFPA has been working with the Government of Nepal, development partners, parliamentarians, civil society, young people and other stakeholders to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, ensure that no woman dies giving life and enable marginalized, poor and hard-to-reach people to live in dignity and enjoy their human rights.

To eradicate poverty – like any other goal to improve the human condition – we need to fully understand the world’s demographics. 

Poor countries with burgeoning youth populations may find it difficult to meet many of our global development goals, as they face more people entering primary and secondary school age, more people looking for health care, and many more entering labour markets, looking for productive jobs in the coming years. 

Keeping the Promise to Women

No. of pages : 8
Publication date : 01/01/2016
Author : UNFPA

Gender-based Violence (GBV) is widespread in Sri Lanka and is not categorized by any particular economic class or ethnic group. GBV exists in both urban and rural settings and is largely based on unequal power relations between men and women. Existing social, cultural and customary practices reinforce unequal power relations that undermine the reporting of GBV and limit survivors' access to services. 


“Now I have the courage to speak out and fight against the violence and discrimination that started right after my marriage and continued for years.”