Prenatal sex selection

UNFPA Mongolia 2016 Annual Report

No. of pages : 30
Publication date : 08/06/2017
Author : UNFPA Mongolia

UNFPA Mongolia 2016 Annual Report

UNFPA in Bangladesh

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is the United Nations' sexual and reproductive health agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA has been working in partnership with the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh since 1974, providing technical and advisory services and support. Our main partners are various Government Ministries, the Parliament, United Nations Agencies, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. 


He should have a back like a tiger and a waist like a bear.

He does not shed tears until his heart is broken.

He stands firm amid adversities.

On the subject of a good woman, more hands shot up.

She should behave in a sweet and helpless way.

She should be caring and affectionate.

ZHOUSHAN, Henan, China- After suffering pressure from her husband and father-in-law, Qiaofang eventually managed to have a son. The young mother already had two beautiful girls, but in China a combination of strong traditional values and community laws can influence families and women to do almost anything to have a son.


SEX RATIO Facts and Figures 2007

No. of pages : 12
Publication date : 01/01/2007
Author : UNFPA

The demographic structure of population, particularly age and sex, has profound consequences for harmonious and sustainable social and economic development. Furthermore, analyzing sex ratios of population is important in analyzing the status of women and girls.

English-Chinese Glossary of Gender Programming Terms

No. of pages : 40
Publication date : 01/12/2012
Author : UNFPA

This glossary is designed as a tool to enable a consistent and proper use

of key terms on gender programming by UNFPA colleagues, translators,

partners and researchers working on the issues. The three key areas of

the UNFPA mandate are sexual and reproductive health, gender equality

and population and development strategies.

Sex ratio at birth Advocacy Toolkit 2013

No. of pages : 18
Publication date : 01/01/2013
Author : Guilmoto

Imbalanced SRB in China has grown continuously over the past 30 years, from 107.6 male live births per 100 females in 1982 to 120.5 in 2005, with a slight drop in 2010 to 117.948 . The SRB in rural areas is significantly higher than that in urban areas. In rural areas, SRB reached 122.9 in 2005 and 122.19 in 2010. SRB is also rising rapidly in urban areas from 109.9 in 1990 to 117.1 in 2005 and even to 120.210 in 2010. 



No. of pages : 12
Publisher : UNFPA WCARO
Publication date : 02/01/2017

The message is clear.

We must put young people first if we are to harness the demographic dividend, build resilience and transform our region to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the Africa We Want.

Having helped secure political will in 2016, UNFPA in WCAR intends to secure resources, advance partnerships and fully promote, support and implement interventions that put young people first in 2017 and the years ahead.

UNFPA Nepal Brochure

No. of pages : 16
Publication date : 17/12/2016
Author : UNFPA Nepal

Established in 1971 in Nepal, UNFPA has been working with the Government of Nepal, development partners, parliamentarians, civil society, young people and other stakeholders to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, ensure that no woman dies giving life and enable marginalized, poor and hard-to-reach people to live in dignity and enjoy their human rights.

Innovative practices for care of elderly women in India- Stree Shakti

No. of pages : 92
Publisher : Stree Shakti-The Parallel Force
Publication date : 20/11/2016
Author : Stree Shakti-The Parallel Force

This study has been supported by the United Nations Population Fund, India and conducted by Stree Shakti-The Parallel Force. The findings expressed in the publication are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Stree Shakti-The Parallel Force, United Nations and UNFPA.