Adolescent pregnancy

Family Planning Investment Case for Uganda

No. of pages : 8
Publication date : 02/10/2017
Author : UNFPA Uganda

Empowering women to choose the number, timing, and spacing of their pregnancies is not only a matter of health and human rights but also touches on many multisectoral determinants vital to sustainable development, including women’s education and status in society. Without universal access to family planning and reproductive health, the impact and effectiveness of other interventions will be less, will cost more, and will take longer to achieve. The government of Uganda must make modern family planning an even higher priority to expand women’s method choice and uptake.

Assessment of Adolescent and Youth-Friendly Health Service Delivery in the East and Southern Africa Region

No. of pages : 2
Publisher : UNFPA ESARO
Publication date : 27/09/2017

A multi-year initiative (2014-2017) to improve and scale up youth-friendly health services and enhance quality of care for young people is being conducted by UNFPA ESARO and the IPPF Africa Regional Office. The initiative includes the development and approval of the research protocol and a review of existing youth-friendly health service (YFHS) guidelines and standards, and assessment of their implementation in 23 countries within the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region.

UNFPA Afghanistan Newsletter Volume II Issue I 2017

No. of pages : 7
Publisher : UNFPA Afghanistan
Publication date : 20/09/2017
Author : UNFPA Afghanistan

UNFPA is the United Nations agency which leads global efforts to help ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

As part of the workshop held with our Change Agents in Kalwa (Thane, Maharashtra), SNEHA team working with adolescent girls supported by UNFPA India conducted a safety audit exercise with 36 participants on 16th September, 2017. 

An energizer exercise was conducted with the girls, who were asked to enact scenes from within the community, with alcohol shops, tea stalls, toilets, cigarette shops. They were then asked to talk about how and why they felt unsafe in these kinds of spaces.

CONNECT: UNFPA Uganda Annual Report 2016

No. of pages : 44
Publication date : 13/09/2017
Author : UNFPA Uganda

UNFPA Uganda has integrated family planning into various other social and economic initiatives that ensure the overall well-being of individuals and communities becomes a reality. During 2016, we integrated family planning into agricultural extension activities, as
well as livelihoods and youth empowerment programmes. In addition, and as a result of UNFPA’s support, nine major cultural institutions and seven faith denominations have drafted and endorsed their own family planning messages as it relates to harmful cultural practices.

Uganda Population Dynamics: An Opportunity to Rethink Development

No. of pages : 4
Publication date : 11/09/2017
Author : UNFPA Uganda

In the next 30 years, Uganda envisions a transformation from a peasant to a modern and prosperous society, with a per capita GDP of USD 9,500 by 2040 as detailed in ision 2040. Vision 2040 also acknowledges that the only single factor that will stop Uganda from attaining middle income status is the population growth rate, characterized by a young age structure and consequent high child dependency burden. Uganda has therefore pronounced itself onharnessing the demographic dividend, as a key strategy to achieving Vision 2040.

A New Approach: Youth Enterprise Model 2.0

No. of pages : 2
Publication date : 13/09/2017
Author : UNFPA Uganda

UNFPA Uganda is supporting the government of Uganda through local governments and civil society organizations to strengthen integration of sexual and reproductive health (SRH)  information and services in youth enterprises  and promotion of livelihoods for out of school young people. UNFPA’s contribution is premised on the fact that sexual and reproductive health is a major facilitator for economic empowerment. Innovation and creativity at UNFPA has been a corporate priority since 2014. For the last five years UNFPA has been implementing the “Youth Enterprise Model” (YEM)

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution adopting 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child, recognizing girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.

Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran

No. of pages : 181
Publication date : 30/09/2014

The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. It aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).